Cellulite Treatment

Treatments to eliminate cellulite

The appearance of cellulite and orange peel skin can be caused by poor diet, lack of hydration, genetic factors, sedentary lifestyle and fluid retention, among others. It affects millions of women in the world, so there are several aesthetic and surgical treatments that will help us to counteract its effect.

It’s time to finish off our enemy!

Treatment application

Radiofrequency is a painless procedure used for the treatment of cellulite, skin flaccidity and sweating.

It is a non-invasive aesthetic treatment that consists of the application of electromagnetic waves on the skin, raising in a controlled manner the body temperature, thus causing a heating of the layers of the dermis, favoring the regeneration and neoformation of collagen, all aimed at improving the characteristics of the skin.

For an effective and long-lasting treatment, we recommend 5-6 sessions, spaced 15 days apart. The treatment can be repeated several times during the year to enhance and prolong the effects.

It is an option to consider if we want to eliminate that annoying cellulite. The sessions are very bearable, as they are quick and painless, and the results are fantastic. The number of sessions required will depend on the degree of cellulite of the patient. We recommend combining mesotherapy with massages or radiofrequency sessions to complete the result.

Several sessions (5-7) spaced 1 week apart are performed. Quite satisfactory results are achieved in a short time.

Lymphatic drainage
It is a slow and gentle lymphatic massage performed especially to increase the flow of lymph, a colorless fluid that flows through the lymphatic vessels and drains toxins and cellular waste. These massages should be given by a specialist and have numerous benefits.

Massages (both lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite) are usually associated with radiofrequency or mesotherapy.


The peace of mind of being attended by professionals

“The benefits of a body treatment go beyond aesthetic enhancement, they offer a relaxing and rejuvenating experience for the body and mind.”

Our treatments

icon_check_alt icon 3D BODY ASSESSMENT
icon_check_alt icon BODY LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE
icon_check_alt icon REDUCTIVE icon
icon_check_alt icon REAFFIRMING icon
icon_check_alt icon CELLULITIS
icon_check_alt icon GLUTE LIFTING

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